Wrap Up: April 2018 or that was a month.

I had a bit of a dreadful reading month, at least when it comes to numbers. During the first half of it I only finished one book (mind, I LOVED that one). The ones that I finished I all enjoyed immensely, but I have also been stuck on some books way too long.

Books read in April:

  1. The Pisces by Melissa Broder: 4,5 out of 5 stars.
  2. Bluets by Maggie Nelson: 5 out of 5 stars.
  3. Six Wakes by Mur Lafferty: 3 out of 5 stars.
  4. The Sum of Us by Susan Forest et al.: 3,5 out of 5 stars.
  5. The Poppy War by R. F. Kuang: 4 out of 5 stars.

I have also decided to DNF The Lives Of Desperate Girls and A Guide For Murdered Children, both of which does did not work for me at all. There was something about the tone in both cases that would have made getting through these books difficult for me. (I had not even added them to my currently reading shelf on Goodreads before I decided to just give up, which says enough I think.)

Favourite of the month:

Rating wise that would be Bluets; my favourite Maggie Nelson to date and as always just brilliant and poignant. But I have not been able to stop thinking about The Pisces which did lose a bit of steam in the end but had a first half so strong that I cannot help but forgive that.


I finished 5 books = 1672 pages. Of these books three were SFF, one was non-fiction and one general fiction. Four books were written by women and one was an anthology.

How did I do with my TBR:

Thankfully I did not set myself one because I feel like I am super behind on my reading anyway. Hopefully May will be better (it probably won’t be; work is beyond stressful at the moment).

Currently reading:

It by Stephen King: I have started listening to this on audiobook and I am surprisingly actually enjoying it for the most part (I mean, still not a fan of King’s female characters but that is nothing new). It will take me forever though because it is 44 hours long.

Caliban’s War by James S. A. Corey: Here I am waiting for my partner to catch up because we are still theoretically doing a buddy read even though I am a third of a book ahead (I spent our flights reading, he spent it watching season two of Fargo).

Red Clocks by Leni Zumas: I am enjoying this but I did the thing where I stop a book because something unpleasant is about to happen – and now I am dreading having to read that unpleasant thing (does anybody else do this?)

An Abbreviated Life by Ariel Leve: I was sure I would love this, but I really don’t. If it takes me much longer I think I will put it down completely.

The Water Cure by Sophie Mackintosh: Again, I am loving this. But I had the worst reading month and could not appreciate this slow book as much as I would normally do. Which felt unfair which is why I put it down for the month.

(Some of the) Blog posts I loved:

I am starting to think I might sound stalkerish (with me linking to Rachel’s blog every month), but her review for Days Without End is so on point I couldn’t not.

I do love not feeling alone, which is why I appreciated Wendy’s post about backlist books and why they sometimes take the backseat.

As anyone who reads my blog with any regularity knows, I absolutely adore non-fiction. Obviously I loved Ally’s list of recommendations (featuring some favourites).

Mogsy gave a twist on a Top Ten Tuesday Topic that I just loved: she talkes about the best books featuring Killer plants.

Lou’s review of See What I Have Done is a lot more balanced than mine was which is why I loved it so much.

As always, I enjoyed Callum’s recommendations (this time for gothic literature) a lot. Especially since he featured books I have been eyeing for a while.

Adri’s review of The Poppy War is just stunning.

Erik talks about one of my all-time favourite series (Discworld) and inspires me to finally pick up the rest of the books I haven’t read yet.

How do you deal with reading slumps? I am considering just clearing my currently reading shelf of all the books on there and start anew. But then, I do like most books I am currently reading, I am just not super excited about them.

23 thoughts on “Wrap Up: April 2018 or that was a month.

  1. Don’t worry, if I linked to my favorite posts each month you’d always be on there as well. I follow so many blogs on here that whenever I’m busy or traveling or whatever, there are only 5 I make a point of checking regularly and yours is one of them. So the stalkerish-ness is mutual.

    5 is definitely not so bad for a terrible reading month! At least they’re all decently high ratings. Also, I succeeded in getting an ARC of The Water Cure, and I’m telling myself to put it off since it’s not published in the US for another million years, but I’m so tempted to read it and I can’t wait to read your review.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am very glad to hear that the stalkerish-ness is mutual. Then it isn’t quite stalkery I think.

      Also, yay! I’m so glad you got an ARC for The Water Cure. I cannot wait to read what you think. My thoughts are a bit all over the place right now – i really will depend on the ending with this one for me. (Isn’t it coming out early 2019 in the US? that is still a while away…).

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh, intriguing! I can’t wait to hear your final assessment. It’s not out until January 2019 here, but if I’m good and don’t request any more ARCs (lol) I only have 8 others to read before I get to it.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. But there are so many cools books coming out; not requesting arcs might be difficult. (Bloomsbury UK is on POINT at the moment. I am doing my very best to not just request everything they put on NetGalley. I did request Putney though – which sounds amazing and like something you might also enjoy.)

        Liked by 1 person

      3. 2018 is killing it with new releases. I can’t believe how many I’ve been tempted to request this year. Darn, Putney isn’t available on Netgalley US, I hope you’re approved though so I can decide whether to read it off your assessment.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. I hope they do, too. Bloomsbury does usually like me though.
        And yes, so many great releases. Too many given that I had planned on reading more backlist books… That is so not happening at the moment.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I keep seeing The Poppy War popping up everywhere. Guess that means I need to go over to Goodreads and see what this is all about! I don’t do that stopping reading thing, but I definitely cringe and wince and then just push on through.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Poppy War is really cool. It made me want to read more fantasy again, which is always great.

      I figured not many people to the stopping thing – it is really not helpful. I am much worse with tv series though; there it might mean I’ll never continue watching.


  3. IT was the first Stephen King book I ever read, and I enjoyed it hugely! I read it on my phone instead of listening, though – 44 hours is a looooong time…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. SO long! It will take me weeks to get through it. But that’s also nice in a way. People’s opinions are all over the place with It – I cannot wait to see where I stand at the end.


      1. There’s certainly a level of um-ookaaayyyy about some of his female characterization, but the book as a whole is pretty brilliant, I think. There’s a lot in it about collective responsibility and the way that indifference and apathy allows true evil to flourish in communities.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks so much for the kind words! I really enjoyed your review of the Poppy War too – it’s been interesting to see the different reactions and buzz for this book, as it’s such a strange read with the massive tonal shift between parts one and two, but it seems to have worked so well for the majority of reviewers whose reactions I’ve seen.

    Here’s hoping you have a better reading month in May!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, too! I am really excited to see the buzz for the book and the different reactions as well.
      My month has already started a lot better than last month was. So I am hopeful.


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